Thursday, April 9, 2015

SimplePivot : New project on GitHub

Uploaded a tiny but functional pivoting library in JavaScript

function test() {

  // Define the column names by which we will refer to the pivot groupings
  var srcColNames = [ "Date", "Subject", "Lesson", "Time" ] ;

  // The underlying data of the pivot representation
  var pivotData = [
     [ "10-26", "History",   "Mughals", 300 ],
     [ "10-26", "History",   "Islam",   200 ],
     [ "10-27", "Geography", "Climate", 150 ],
     [ "10-27", "History",   "Islam",   250 ]
  ] ;

  // Initialize the pivot table by setting the column names and corresponding
  // data set
  var pivotTable = new PivotTable() ;
  pivotTable.setPivotData( srcColNames, pivotData ) ;

  // Initialize the pivot table by providing
  // - The row groupings (in this case, group by Subject, then by Lesson
  // - The column group
  // - The value which needs to be aggregated
  pivotTable.initializePivotTable( [ "Subject", "Lesson" ], "Date", "Time" ) ;

  // Render the pivot table on an existing div
  pivotTable.renderPivotTable( "pivot_table_div", "Time spent per subject" ) ;


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