Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A short story I penned for my daughter ---------

I love beaches and have been looking forward to our summer vacation at Ganpatiphule's MTDC resort. It was late June, summer was just ending and the weather was very pleasant. We thoroughly enjoyed our vacation.

Unfortunately, it was time to head back. After a last visit to the beach and an early lunch, we started driving back. We expected to be in Pune before 9 pm. Father was driving and my elder brother was in the front seat. Mother and I were in the back and we all were playing antakshari to pass the time.

By 5 pm, we were in the ghats near Chiplun. It turned cloudy and started to drizzle. Father reduced the speed mentioning that ghats become very slippery when it rains. Steadily the rain increased. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and father announced that we have a puncture. He assured us that there is nothing to worry as we have a spare tyre. He and brother stepped out in the rain and with great difficulty replaced the tyre. It took almost an hour. By then both were muddy and completely drenched.

We started driving slowly again but could hardly see anything in the rain. We were starting to get uncomfortable. Mother suggested that we stop at the next hotel, eat dinner and wait for the rain to stop.

There was no cell phone coverage in the mountains and we had to watch out for road signs for navigation. After around 10 minutes, we saw a small notice for a detour to a village named Ratnapuri. We reached Ratnapuri after some time. It was very dark. We could see some huts but there were no lights. Mother explained that villagers go to bed early. Down the road we saw a small light and were very happy to see that it was a small restaurant named Amba Hotel.

We parked the car and went inside. There was a very old lady arranging the tables. She gave us a very warm smile and asked us to sit. She explained that it was late and she was about to close but she will be happy to cook us something hot. Father and brother changed into some dry clothes in the bathroom and we were ready for dinner. It was possibly one of the best dinners I have had or maybe I was extra hungry.

It was still raining and the old grandmotherly lady insisted that we sleep in the room above and leave in the morning. The ghats are very dangerous in rainy nights, she said. Mother gave the old lady a big hug and said she can't thank her enough for her hospitality.

We went up and found the room small, old but very cozy. There was also a small coal heater. Father and brother decided to sleep on the floor while Ma and I curled up on the bed. We were alseep in no time.

When we woke up, sunlight was streaming through the windows and we could hear birds chirping. We felt rested. We immediately realized something was wrong. We looked around and realized that the room was all broken and the roof was missing in many places. It was filled with dead leafs and plants were growing from the walls. Father asked us to get ready in a hurry. We rushed down and saw the entire hotel in the same state. It was as if no one has lived in the building for years.

We were very afraid now and could not explain what was going on. We stepped out and to our horror realized that we were standing in the middle of a long abandoned village in the middle of a dense forest. There was no old woman and no villagers.

It was as if we were waking up from a dream. We quickly got into the car and drove as fast as possible. It was noon by the time we reached Pune.

Brother quickly took out his phone and searched Google for Ratnapuri. Google told us that it was a railway colony during the British time and was abandoned almost 100 years back.

It was a rainy night which I will remember throughout my life.

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