Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How fast can we switch 2N2222

Transistors can be operated as current controlled switches by operating them in saturation and cutoff regions. Simple enough.. right?

Some interesting question soon start hounding us as we move into the zone of high frequency switching -

  • How fast can we switch? 
  • Is there a limit? 
  • How does the switching behavior degrade when we hit the limit? 
  • Can something to done to prevent hitting the limit?
  • If we can't prevent, can we delay it atleast?
Enter "Parasitic Capacitance" - the unavoidable evil, which gives meaning to the word "reality". It's not my intention to explain the theory behind the effects of parasitic capacitance in a transistor. Rather, I will jot down some of my findings related to the frequency response of 2N2222 towards switching.

Now, here is the interesting part...

Just so that you know, LTSpice does a very precise real life modelling of 2N2222.